Tuesday, December 09, 2008


My domain of research is ‘Assessment’ in regards to the evaluation of physical university environments for learning. Inherent in my exploration is the need to understand three variables – firstly, who will be assessed (the user of the space, be it student or instructor or administrator); secondly, the method and manner of assessment, and lastly, the spatial qualities to be rated.  The following discussion concerns the latter, but rather than focus on the sense of security and physical comfort of the space, which is commonly a focus of the evaluation, I will explore the design intent and the appropriateness of the environment in regard to the prevailing philosophy of education and architecture.

Although it is commonly understood through architectural education and practice that designed spaces are the solidification of intention, also, there is a sense that humans adjust to a space and the degree of personal adaption may dilute the direction encouraged by the designer. Regardless, architecture as an art form always expresses something - the newly-built always comments on the existing environment in terms of what indigenous elements it chooses or refuses to integrate, how important it perceives itself to be, how much it chooses to aid the patron through its structure and the hierarchy it gives to particular spaces, how responsive it chooses to be to cultural concerns, and in many others ways. But, it's easy to obscure, in these anthropomorphic terms, the intention of university administrators, department heads or lead professors that expose their agenda in what and how and at whose expense they choose to build. Indeed, architectural design can spawn social and cultural change as much as a cathedral interior can inspire its congregation.

 Appropriateness in the design of environments for learning was often based on tradition. Long before the establishment of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1861 as the nation’s first institution for training architects, the custom of building higher education facilities for permanence and instilling a classical aesthetic for the classroom environment was the predominant convention for classroom design. But, in the first quarter of the twentieth century, different criteria for the design of learning spaces were emerging to oppose classicism. 

When Frederick (2007) declared, “All design endeavors express the zeitgeist”, he not only surmised that the spirit of the age was embodied in the architecture, but the biases as well. He goes on to postulate “parallel (although not identical) trends tend to occur in literature, religion, science, architecture, art and other creative enterprises.” Although historians disagree on historical eras in western civilization, Frederick (2007 ibid) summarizes the previous period and describes it as “Modern era: a favoring of truths revealed by the scientific method”. Arguably, this European and Western periodization is thought to span from the end of the Middle Ages to the mid-twentieth century. He adds “ The Post-modern era: an inclination to hold that truth as relative or impossible to know” is the current time. Beck (1993) concurs with this summary of Post-modern ideals and its pervasiveness throughout the arts and adds that “it features the challenging of convention” including “the mixing of styles”.

If one concedes that pedagogy and architecture are influenced by the “prevailing ethos” as Frederick (ibid) puts it, then determining the parameters for assessing the built environment may also be transitive. At the start of professional architectural training on the design of educational facilities in America, classical style and ornamentation was pervasive to the degree that, at the start of the twentieth century, engineer John R. Freeman remarked that contemporary work was ”preoccupied with aesthetics”, and “rarely thought through the question of use and function”. This classicism was not borne of the original intent of the Middle Ages, but rather as a modern reaction to the classical time. Currently, the “Form follows Function” 19th century maxim prevails today as the cornerstone of architectural design and the standard to which the built environment is often assessed. Therefore, should congruence of the built environment to the pedagogy be a tenet in assessing the appropriateness of the classroom? Brian Edwards (2000) put the onus on the administration when he remarked that, “Universities have the most unique challenge of relating the built fabric to academic discourse” (pg. vii). Hence, I will review parallel theories in education and architectural design to see how they relate to the assessment of the spatial qualities of the classroom to be evaluated.

In education, tenets of the Modern era can be found in the positivist view of learning. Hein (2002) outlines an orthogonal continuum of knowledge and learning in which one quadrant labeled ‘didactic-expository’ represents “the most traditional view” of education.  The epistemology of this view is that knowledge is derived from a scientific method apart from the experiences of the learner and the theory of learning is that advancement occurs incrementally. Adjacent to that domain is the ‘discovery’ quadrant which shares epistemology but characterizes the learner as active. Positivism falls between these two domains, tending most likely to ‘discovery’. Endres (1997) says positivism “aims at the discovery of law-like generalizations that can function as premises in deductive explanations and predictions.” In regards to the theory of knowledge, Peca (2000), in her historical study of positivism in education, summarizes the premise as “objective reality exists which can only be known objectively”. She concurs  that the goals of positivism is to improve civilization through the use of scientific method to discover natural laws.

When Beck (1997) describes contemporary education in the Post-modern era, he advises that it “does not represent a single point of view. There are progressive postmodernists and conservative ones, postmodernists of “resistance” and postmodernists of “reaction,” strongly reform-minded postmodernists and others who concentrate on pricking bubbles. There are bleeding hearts and loose cannons. There is constant debate among so-called postmodernists about how a true postmodernist should approach life and inquiry and hence what qualifies as postmodernism”. He does acknowledge however, that “it has such features as the challenging of convention, the mixing of styles, tolerance of ambiguity, emphasis on diversity, acceptance (indeed celebration) of innovation and change, and stress on the constructedness of reality”. Hein’s (2002) description of constructivism is congruous with tenets of the post-modern era.  Learners create their truths from the world around them and although the knowledge can be wholly personal, there is a universality of shared perceptions. Constructivist teaching methodologies may employ independent work, cooperative learning and group lecture within the same lesson plan. Beck’s (1997) discussion of Post-modern education includes a democratic philosophy with a student-instructor relationship that is dialogical and downplays the role and authority of the professor. Dr. Hein also acknowledges, “shifting power, even in a constructivist methodology can be palatable”.

Before the commencement of the first formal training for architects in America at the conclusion of the civil war, the predominate movement in building design was highly influenced by European sensibilities. During this Modern era, homage was paid to the much earlier Classical (Greek) era, which Frederick (2007) described as valuing “order, rationality and democracy”.  Formal orders were replete with prescribed ornamentation.

Functionalism as embodied in the Louis Sullivan phrase “Form follows function” was a reaction to the purported overuse of decoration at the expense of the ‘efficiency of the space.  It is important to note, however, that iconic Modern architects of the period such as Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe are likened to functionalists only to the extent that their buildings were radical simplifications of previous styles and lacked ornamentation.

             Architecture of the Modern era is generally characterized as rejecting historical forms and eliminated excess detailing toward a more machine-like interpretation of buildings.  The scientific bent in contemporary culture was noted that at the end of the era. Scherr (2001) remarks “a ‘positivist’ approach was pursued based in scientific method, in which design was generated by programmatic and behavioral analysis, problem-solving methodologies, and other oriented, functional approaches”.

            Architecture in the post-modern era was a reaction to the austere Modern design. The Columbia Encyclopedia states “Ornament, once banished by modernism, has returned, often in the form of overtly historical revivalism, although it has just as often been reinterpreted in high-tech materials. This has resulted in a stylistic eclecticism on the contemporary scene”. The constructivist movement in architecture, while present in the Post-modern era, began in the later part of Modern times and was largely a social political movement supporting communism through the use of new technologies in building. Indeed, Elam (2001) summarized Constructivist ideals in design as abstractions of the human profile “into simple geometric shapes of the mechanical machine age.” While one might extrapolate eclecticism in post-modern architecture as an acknowledgement that the ‘truth’ is a subjective interpretation, it is perhaps safer to conceded that we are barely over a half-century into the Post-modern era and the overall direction of these times are yet to be revealed in architecture.  

When evaluating the spatial qualities of a room (the shape, layout and the conduciveness of the built-in learning technology), one cannot separate its appropriateness from the intended use. It is reasonable to many that congruence be the ideal. Within the zeitgeist of an era, educational theory and architectural design seem to follow the same melody, albeit at different tempos. Within a traditional classroom layout of a Classical interpretation that supports professorial control, the architecture becomes a player in highlighting cultural incongruity, especially in constructivist pedagogy. But the reality is that “Teaching and learning activities still take place in spaces unable to accommodate different pedagogical models”, as Elmasry (2007) states, so there is a lot of effective teaching occurring in poorly designed or inappropriate spaces. Should the classroom evaluation be dependant, not on the physical qualities of the room, but rather the expertise of the teacher? It is important to note that ideas of congruency are not universally accepted. Hauf, Koppes, Green, Gassman, Haviland (1966) in their research on designing new college facilities remarked “Proper design of these spaces [for learning] does not depend on the dictates of a specific educational philosophy. Educational philosophies will be considered, but only in respect to their common influences on design.  There will be no attempt to urge specific philosophies”.

Within one’s perception of their physical classroom space there is a determination as to whether the environment supports or impairs the learning process. Classroom assessments compile a multitude of data about the space and offer an overall rating.  Perhaps the answer to whether there is a congruency between the educational philosophy and the architectural design or the classroom form and the pedagogy rests not in determining the spatial qualities to be rated, but in a thorough method of assessment, which provides for ample data to divine the contribution of the architectural design to learning.










Edwards, B. (2000). University Architecture. London and New York: Spon Press

Strange, C. & Banning, J.(2001). Educating by Design. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass


Elmasry, S. (2007) Integration Patterns of Learning Technologies, Page 15.


Heim, G. (2002) The challenge of constructivist teaching, Passion and Pedegogy: Relation, Creation and transformation in Teaching, Ed. Elijah Mirochnik, Debora C. Sherman , NY: Peter Lang

Frederick, M. (2007) 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, pg 83, Boston: MIT Press.

Hauf, H. & Koppes, W. & Green, A. & Gassman, M. & Haviland, D. (1966). New spaces for learning: Designing college facilities to utilize instructional aids and media. New York: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Endres, B. (1997). Ethics and the Critical Theory of Education. Canada : EPS/ Philosophy of Education Society yearbook essay.

Beck, C. (1993). Postmodernism, pedagogy, and philosophy of education. Canada : EPS/Philosophy of Education Society yearbook essay.

Peca, K. (2000). Positivism in education: Philosophical, research and organizational assumptions.  Opinion paper, Educational Resources Informational Center

Scherr, R. (2001). The grid: Form and process in architectural design. Page 11. New York, Verona, Bucharest: USA books.


Elam, K (2001) Geometry of design: Studies in proportion and composition, pg 48. New York: Princeton Architectural Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. (2008) Modern architecture. New York: Columbia University Press.
(COPYRIGHT © 2008 MIKAEL POWELL. All Rights Reserved)


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Social-Cultural Issues regarding Assessment of Built Environments

My area of research concerns evaluation of university environments for learning in general, and college students and their assessment of their physical classroom space in particular. I know that currently, classrooms are designed and assessed in regards to how well the space supports the intended use. This “form follows function” 19th century maxim prevails today as the cornerstone of architectural design and the standard to which the built environment is often assessed. It gradually predominated the pervasiveness in America of classical style and ornamentation of the likes that, at the start of the twentieth century, engineer John R. Freeman remarked that contemporary work was ”preoccupied with aesthetics”, and “rarely thought through the question of use and function”. But in the 1970’s a broader understanding of how the users perceive the space emerged in the field of environmental psychology and successive research has shown that a person perceives his or her environment not only through it’s aesthetics or it’s utility to the function, but also in personal and social ways. Indeed, while traditional questioning of one’s environment may occur, responses are actually informed by many processes of perception. In addition, the physicality of the classroom design is the manifestation of the cultural intention of the university. Thus, within this social-psychological construct, the influence of culture is acted out. Therefore I will explore the important aspects of the cultural and social experience of classroom spaces in regards to student perception to provide a fuller understanding of classroom assessment.

Culturally, Jamieson (2003) offers that the traditional physical environment for learning was shaped for didactic instruction. Classrooms were traditionally designed for one-way, formal instruction, which also mirrored the institutional culture of the university. Indeed, many American universities function on the “United States” model, in which the head of each academic department reigns over a fiefdom of sorts where students traverse interstate to access course instruction (Jarzombek, 2004). As part of my doctoral research, I interviewed the academic head of a university undergraduate program that graduated from a doctoral program a few years ago. I inquired about her last semester in college as a student in regards to her physical classroom environment and whether the room supported the method of teaching. She replied “Yes, in a very authoritative, top down autocratic manner. It was… it was because with… with the number of students we had in that group, he [the professor] could have chosen another classroom that was more intimate. He… I, well you know, he had the power. He had the power of [the university]. He certainly could have requested another classroom. So, Yeah, I think for [the professor] it was exactly what he wanted. He didn’t have to interact with us, he could just get up and talk at us for an hour.”  This remark brings light to Pouler’s comment, “Space is neither innocent or neutral: it is an instrument of the political (cited in Scheer and Preiser, 1994).

In addressing social relationships influencing assessment, Canter (1992) researches the assessment process and categorizes the many variables involved within the framework of what he calls a “Purposive Evaluation”. His framework includes interrelationships between personal perception and the physical environment within the auspices of institutional culture. The group norms directed by the intentionality of the physical environment promotes the creation of ‘rules of place’, which govern socialization within the classroom space. Thus, the architecture becomes a player in how students move about, relate with each other and engage in the learning process and it’s assessed value, whether consciously or not, can be mapped to the quality and affect of social experiences of an individual in the space.

Therefore, regardless of whether the assessment guidelines rate the physical university classroom environment in terms of utility to the teaching method or creation of an aesthetic environment, the users social and cultural perceptions of the space are entwined within the evaluative process.

Jamieson, P. (2003 May/November). Teaching and learning spaces: A role for academic developers. International Journal for Academic Development, 8 (1/2) 119–133.

Canter, D. (1992). Understanding, assessing, and acting in places: Is an integrative framework possible? In Garling, T. (Ed.), Environment, Cognition, and Action: An Integrated Approach. (pgs 191). Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated.

Jarzombek, M. (2004) Designing MIT: Bosworth’s new tech, Boston: Northeastern University Press

Scheer, B. & Preiser, F.E. (1994). Design review: challenging the urban aesthetic control. (pg. 175) London: Chapman and Hall.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Domain of Study: Assessment of american college classroom environments.
Topic: Historical research on the methodology for designing such spaces.
Resource: Jarzombek, M. (2004) Designing MIT: Bosworth’s new tech, Boston: Northeastern University Press

I know that currently, classrooms are designed and assessed in regards to how well the space supports the intended use. This “form follows function” 19th century maxim prevails today and it gradually overcame the pervasiveness in America of classical style and ornamentation of the likes that, at the start of the twentieth century, engineer John R. Freeman remarked that contemporary work was ”preoccupied with aesthetics”, and “rarely thought through the question of use and function”.

Therefore, I would like to begin my exploration with formal 19th century training of architecture students at MIT in regard to educational facilities. Massachusetts Institiute of Technology Special Collections have ‘Classroom exercises marked with grade’ and a book of ‘Classroom assignments’ in their archive that may be helpful to me in finding educational facility projects. Through viewing educational projects and the associated grade/critique I hope to glean a sense of the prevailing direction for design students of such spaces and develop a historic timeline, which might inform how spaces have been assessed in the past and should be now.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reflections on "The Dialectic of Freedom" by Dr. Maxine Greene

I found the reading to be quite insightful and it resonated with my experiences.   I often notice that when there is discussion of the power of freedom, I hear a focus on the acquisition of influence resulting from an individual’s education, public involvement and economic comfort. I think that these activities are often thought to be the environment where one can be free. Perhaps this common notion exemplifies the need to revive public thinking of ‘possibility’.  Although education can be essential in the presentation and enticement to the dream of true emancipation, and public involvement gives demonstration of this power and solvency idealizes the result, I believe that the simple value of individual experiences and participation in the struggle is often overlooked.   Therefore, my discussion of freedom involves an exploration of the individual, the value of diverse perspectives and the strength garnered by the struggle to be free.

While individual groups have different experiences and needs and desires, I believe that they still can enhance a public commonality.  When they do so, it can entice youth to discover what it means to be truly free, building insights from individual living, informed by the collective experiences of the community and embodied in a public setting. As they strive, I believe that, individuals must make a place for themselves at the table and challenge the things that don’t build community or make for a caring people. I posit that freedom is rightly acquired when informed by diverse views of emancipation.

These multiple perspectives of freedom within our community can nurture different conceptions of possibility in a common world. I acknowledge that there are ‘others’ who want freedom that have painful experiences- like the Negro in America. My African-American ancestors were forced here, and their art gives universal expression to the struggle to regain freedom –a notion that was revised, created and recreated as effected by their experience. In a free culture, however, I feel that we may not truly understand another’s experience, but as we attend to these individuals, our perspectives on freedom and it’s possibility expands and becomes less general. 

When I think less in the abstract and more in particular, I realize that one must not give in to the ‘wrong’ (that makes it much worse), rather, to simply endure and strive for freedom makes us stronger, so we must act in some manner.  Simply perceiving myself as free or the act of an emancipated individual considering a subordinate peer as valued is a good start.  Sometimes a gradual acquisition of liberty is warranted. Indeed, while there is a constant call for freedom, I may have to be prepared for freedom. In that vein, I think about striving for liberty in relation to the opening of spaces by the empowered to allow the underclass training to live freely. Thus, education is one way I can be skilled to thrive in freedom. The educational environment can also encourage the downtrodden to name and question authority.  I wonder what kind of vision of the world does the struggle produce for me? How does that vision shape my actions, consciously or subconsciously? I know, however, that when the world can be questioned and named, then transformations can happen.

Therefore, I now feel that when I contemplate freedom, it is through the knowledge that liberty is entwined in conceptions of power, especially in regard to public relationships.  I acknowledge that there is a relationship between participation in society and individual development. The conundrum is how society can educate for freedom and still create and maintain a sense of commonality within the diversity while dignifying individual experiences.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum –Architecture and Design Collection

             My area of research concerns evaluation of university environments for learning in general, and college students and their assessment of their physical classroom space in particular. Inherent, although not often apparent in their evaluation, is the resultant effects of students perceptions of the personal and social relationships in their space as well as the perceived intent of the entity or person who created the environment for them. Although it is commonly understood in architectural education and  practice that designed spaces are the solidification of intention, there is no documentation as to how the nonprofessional perceives that intention in terms of how they feel valued, or even whether they perceive the classroom environment as utility to the teaching method. Historically spaces have been designed and assessed per the 19th century architectural maxim of “Form follows Function”.

            To those ends, my external experience involves conducting an initial research visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum, Bldg. N51, in Cambridge Massachusetts (http://web.mit.edu/museum/collections/architecture.html). I will be working in the Architecture and Design collection and Institute Archives and Special Collections. Before the 19th century in America, design work was largely the province of artisans/builders and a few architects. In the 1840’s, there was less than a half dozen architects in New York and slightly more in Boston. However, because of the accumulated wealth of  the industrial revolution, architects began to be recognized as professional advisers and the first school of architecture in the United States was established at MIT. This archive collection documents the oldest architectural program in America and includes student thesis work and reviews from 1873 through the latter 20th century. The intent of the designer for classroom spaces are both illustrated and critiqued within the framework of architectural education, thus giving an historical foundation for the intent of the designer for teaching and learning environments.

            I will develop a list of artifact categories to submit to the curator 30 days before my visit. I will work with them and their collection list to develop an organized ordered sequence of artifacts for viewing and work out how to document the work for my use. I will make an appointment for the actual visit. All visits are supervised and prearranged and the cost is $30.00 per hour for each hour after the first. Therefore, this initial visit will set up my research initiative and build relationships with the curation staff.

            To document this external experience, I will write a paper detailing my process, present a summary of items viewed and commentary on the experience.  

Interdisciplinarity: Like a Full Earthen Bowl???

My Summary of "Interdisciplinarity: Like a Full Earthen Bowl" by Dick Westheimer

In this article, Dr. Westheimer gives support to his initiative to apply interdisciplinary methods to “ all of his work and play” by presenting a theoretical foundation, contrasting interdisciplinarians and the disciplines and then proposing implications.

            Setting his foundation for the place of interdisciplinary methods, Dr. Westheimer presents the angry admonitions of physicist Davie Bohm who blames contemporary culture for relying on a view of “ the totality as constructed of independent fragments”, in contrast to his views of an “undivided wholeness”. Westheimer summarizes by saying that interdisciplinarity views a phenomena as not discipline fragments independently existing, but rather, as Bohm posits “derivation of the parts by extracting from the whole”.

In regards to interdisciplinary actions and the disciplines, there is a dichotomy of sorts.   Although Dr. Westheimer, writes of a “coherent interdisciplinary method revealing a dynamic connectedness”, he admits that great truths can be and often are derived mechanically (isolated from the whole). Indeed, much good has come from close inspection within the constraints of disciplinary organization. But he concludes that disciplinary work, when taken to the extreme, often “lays waste to more than it builds up”. Within that position, he offers that the only way to truly have a greater understanding of the whole is to master the part, which is highly improbable when one accepts topics that span multiple disciplines.   Therefore, he concludes, that the problem is not in disciplinary work, but rather, when one crowds out the other and he clarifies the role of interdisciplinary work in nine areas.

Finally, Dr. Wertheimer illustrates the implication of his thinking by relaying  a personal experience in which an outsider’s view affected the status quo. He concludes by  imparting permission to  the reader to find value in undisciplined inclinations, to question authority and empower those left out - indeed, to question that those disciplines actually exist.

Commentary on George Hein's article, “The Challenge of Constructivist Teaching”

Overall, I found the article to be an unexpected delight. In his “prologue”, Dr. Hein illustrates that interdisciplinarity can bring benefits to the classroom and then proceeds with a largely reasoned introduction to constructivism and offers his personal journey before outlining his response to the challenge of developing a course that embodied the constructivist theory. Upon further reading, I realized that the aforementioned course was the predecessor to Interdisciplinary Seminar I and it laid a wonderful historical foundation for my understanding of our initiative. Amid this reading, I did connect with issues of power relationships in education, the Discoverists posit that knowledge can be right or wrong and, lastly, the reason why this is especially appropriate for interdisciplinarians in light of, as George Hein states, “the few semesters in which he found it painful to face another three hours”.

            I am a university professor, and in that light, I experience the balance of power between undergraduates and their instructor. My students, largely, expect to be fed what is ‘right’ and then offered the opportunity to regurgitate the truth in examination. Their subservience to the knowledge and faith in this process ensure that I am in control in the classroom. I strive for a different pedagogy and I notice their fear of personal empowerment and the accompanying responsibility. As Dr. Hein acknowledges, shifting power, even in a constructivist methodology can be palatable.

The concept of knowledge as being right or wrong was highlighted for me when I took my first course here at Lesley University this summer and experienced a constructivist pedagogy. In collaborative work, as part of a process, not knowing if it is “right’ and not knowing if your cohort is “right” can be daunting. I can understand how the ‘unenlightened’ student can be wary of group work constructed from each team member’s interpretation of the text and I strive for more enlightenment.

Lastly, I can understand a benefit for interdiscipinarians in the constructivist methodology as Dr. Hein proffers, and I do see theories of knowledge and theories of learning working in continua with best practice often residing apart from the extremities. 

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Evaluation of Educational Facilities for Instruction/ Design

(COPYRIGHT © 2010 MIKAEL POWELL. All Rights Reserved)
The purpose of this course is to analyze the efforts by Lesley University and its agents to evaluate the architectural design of the existing Art Institute of Boston facility and outline the dynamics of the programming and schematic design phase of the new Art Institute of Boston. Topics addressed are curriculum and instructional theory, and contemporary evaluation.

A. Underlying premises
1. “School architecture profoundly influences the outcomes of learning” (Upitis, 2010, p. ix).
This assertion drives my research because it substantiates the relationship between adequate accommodations and effective teaching and learning.

2. There are distinct discourses to understand within the professions of architecture and education for effective collaboration (Upitis, 2010)
My architectural experience supports this idea that there are differences in the ways of speaking and values between architects and educators.

3. “If complexity science can be used to characterize the emergent and romantic nature of teaching and learning, then the next issue to consider is the kinds of architectural patterns that would allow for complexity to emerge.”(Upitis, 2010, p.79).
Within the various approaches to teaching and learning theory (constructivism – behavioralism, etc...) there are educational goals that are best supported by the built environment after consideration whether architectural accommodations address simple, complicated or complex issues.

4. Assessment of spaces must include lifecycle considerations (Upitis, 2010).
This premise reinforces that long-term use analysis is essential to effectively compare costs to benefits.

B. Course objectives:
Existing facility:
• To discover the basis for the design of the existing facility
• To review the relationship between curriculum/instruction and layout/spatial accommodations
• To gain an understanding of administrative procedures involved in the design of the facility
• To gain an understanding of the intentions and values of major stakeholders at the time the existing facility was developed.
New facility:
• To gain an understanding of the design of the new facility in regard to deficits of the existing building
• To analyze the initial stages of design for the new facility exploring how the proposed built environment supports teaching and learning (with particular attention to non-linear solutions that incorporate complexity science theories).
• To review the relationship between instruction and spatial accommodations
• To gain an understanding of administrative procedures involved in the design of the new facility
• To gain an understanding of the discourse, intentions and values of major stakeholders
• To gain an understanding of the new facility as a venture driven by owner initiatives, as a community venture, and as an architectural statement

C. Level of access requested from Lesley University
• Interviews with stakeholders
• Minutes of meetings (and attachments) of Lesley University with the architect
• Minutes of internal meetings (and attachments) and correspondence of Lesley University
• Minutes of internal meetings (and attachments) and correspondence from the architect
• Access to architectural sketches and presentations
• Assessments of the existing facility (formal and commentary)

D. Course grade is assessed from satisfactory completion of the following components:
1. The Process:
• Set up the process and repository to receive preliminary design documents and correspondence
• Set up procedures and materials for interviews
• Review, maintain, format and analyze data repository
• Perform interviews with key stakeholders
• Collect and analyze pertinent research

2. The Deliverables:
• Prepare interview protocol document for review.
• Prepare an analysis of the efforts by Lesley University and its agents to evaluate the architectural design of the existing Art Institute of Boston facility and outline the dynamics of the programming and schematic design of the new Art Institute of Boston pursuant to course objectives.
• Present evidence of archival categorization and formatting of artifacts.

3. Timetable
Issue Preliminary draft to Dr. Rena Upitis for comments no later than Sunday, November 14, 2010.
Transmit final paper to Dr. Rena Upitis for grade and final comments no later than 30 days after receipt of preliminary comments.
4. Final Evaluation
Outside activity faculty/ individual will send a letter of evaluation to the Senior Advisor in time for grades to be posted.



Upitis, R. (2010). Raising a school: Foundations for school architecture. Township of South Frontenac, Ontario, Canada: Wintergreen Studios Press.
(COPYRIGHT © 2010 MIKAEL POWELL. All Rights Reserved)

Monday, September 01, 2008

Form Follows Function Cha-Cha-Cha:

Form Follows Function Cha-Cha-Cha:

In the Classroom Assessment Dance with Architectural Theory and User Perceptions, who Leads?

Articulation of the Research Question

My research concerns the physical classroom environment and how well it is congruous to the method of teaching. I consider the impact of the adequacy or inadequacy of the space and how the classroom selection affects the college student.  I go further to explore how human adaptability alters that perception. I come to this research not only as an architect with specialty in designing educational facilities, but also as a former executive board member and a current full-time college professor. This topic is pertinent to me because, while serving in an administrative capacity during a financial crisis, I authorized classroom assignments that were sufficient but not wholly appropriate and there was no basis to ascertain if the students truly perceived that intention. This research explores two questions - How do college students feel the physical classroom environment relates to the method of teaching and how does the relationship between the physical classroom environment and method of teaching affect college students in regards to how they feel valued?

To address this inquiry, I have assembled a team of researchers and associates and enlisted support from the Office of Teaching and Learning at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boson, Massachusetts. My research is under the supervision of Dr. Gene Diaz, my Lesley University faculty advisor. I have enlisted the services of three professionals from a research agency to conduct the focus group sessions and analyze the data, under my direction. In addition, three researchers will assist me and between three to five work study students will be at my disposal throughout the duration of the study.

Plan for Triangulation

This research explores students’ perception of their classroom environment defined within categories of the teaching method. Therefore, when triangulating the study, students will be involved in all three areas of the research. Initially, subjects will participate in in situ focus groups to give students a vocabulary to frame their responses and to explore value issues. We will distribute documentation of the sessions to participants for commentary and review the findings for emergent themes. The second method of research will employ open-ended surveys targeted to students identified in the focus group analysis. Lastly, we will solicit historical experiential information from effected students via the Internet to create phenomenon narratives.

Validity, Credibility and Trustworthiness

The triangulation method is one of the elements we included to highlight the integrity of the research. We will also examine deviate cases that arise and indicate how we incorporate those findings into our understanding. In addition, we utilize respondent validation for the focus group data and we will videotape the sessions and transcribe key exchanges for further documentation. Likewise, we will publish our focus group objectives list, survey form, important responses, solicitations, and pertinent raw data (masked to preserve privacy). For archival purposes, this study will maintain a depository for all raw data, notes, forms, and reductionist data and employ a systematic method for producing the items.
            Confidence in this study is also based on the integrity of the researchers. Although I came from a professional architectural background and have an advanced degree from Harvard University, I also have a perspective as a professor and board member.  My experience informs, but does not overly bias these research questions, which inquire about the layman’s perceptions of the classroom environment in relation to architectural concepts of design fit and the resulting affect on the student.  My
theoretical stance, largely, is that I am separate from the data and that universal truths exist that is not entirely subjective. However, the third method of this triangulated study involves creating phenomenological narratives that are wholly my interpretation through information provided by the participant. Within my group of associates, we will use standard methods to provide inter-rater reliability in the coding of responses. My consulting researcher will lead, document and analyze data from the focus group effort, under my direction. Outside of my study, I will have a peer de-briefer to review and comment.

How each part of the triangle interacts in this multi-faceted design

            The first groups of randomly chosen students will participate in focus groups that are specific to a teaching method.  We will present the concepts and vocabulary so they can describe their perception of the classroom environment in regards to teaching method.  We will also inquire about their sense of value. We will send interpretations from the focus group to participants and the resulting findings will directly inform the survey method. We will provide the open-ended survey to a much larger population of targeted students. Although the previous course is undoubtedly a grounded theory approach, phenomenon reporting is decidedly phenomenological. In this method, we will review individual experiences, analyze important themes and give a rich narrative of the occasions. We will study divergent phenomena and discern how it supports our findings. The combination of these methods and approaches make this study quite credible.

College students are the population who will know if they perceive a relationship between the classroom environment and the teaching method. They will know, after consideration, if that relationship is beneficial or if other variables like human adaptability is more imposing. Furthermore, college students are the source to elicit their sense of value.  College students from Wentworth Institute of Technology, exclusively, will be solicited for the focus groups and open survey sessions. Eighty students will be used in the focus group study (with forty students as alternates) and about 250 students will be encouraged to participate in the survey. The Institute has a student population of about 3200. The phenomenon reporting method will advertise to students at Lesley University and the Colleges of the Fenway (Wentworth Institute of Technology, Simmons College, Wheelock College, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Emmanuel College) which comprises a student population of over 20,000 students, in hopes of corresponding with three to five subjects.

The Lesley University Internal Review Board for Human Subjects Research will provide consultation and resource in the interpretation of the procedures and policy. Special care will be taken with freshmen that are not yet 18 years of age. My efforts as a researcher include preparing a proposal, application to the IRB and providing letters of Informed Consent.
Research Study Set-up

Our research efforts will work in conjunction with the Center for Teaching and Learning in Beatty Hall on the campus of Wentworth Institute of Technology. A faculty/room survey will be sent to all faculty members at Wentworth Institute of Technology prior to the start of the semester to ascertain the pedagogy in regard to the teaching method types: a. Lecture, b. Examination, c. Collaboration, d. Demonstration, and e. Studio Guidance. The teachers will also be asked to rate the adequacy of the classroom. For their efforts, they will be accredited as a supporter in our WIT publication. We will choose one class from each type that highly exemplifies the teaching method while having high room adequacy and one class from each type that highly exemplifies the teaching method and has low room adequacy. I will reserve their classrooms for the focus group sessions through the registrar’s office and arrange to have the classroom photographically documented and site measured to create a digital floor plan. In the event that we cannot solicit one class from each variance in adequacy, we will use one class total from each teaching method with a median adequacy rating and reduce our study population accordingly.

The Focus Group Method

Based on information from the Faculty/room survey, 10 (ten) Focus Group sessions will take place in the actual classroom on the campus of Wentworth Institute of Technology over the course of 3 weeks at the end of the Fall Semester. Twelve (12) students will be selected at random (eight actual participants and four alternates) from the class roster of the selected course for each session so that we can have a representative subset of the student population in that class. Allowing for 50% attrition should ensure that we have the desired number of research subjects. All students in the classes will initially receive an email correspondence about the study while the random selection will ask for their participation.  If they choose to participate, they will attend a general meeting at the center for Teaching and Learning to receive permission forms for them to sign (and their guardian, if they are under 18 years of age). I will announce the date of the sessions and let them know that all announcements and correspondence can come through a particular email address.  There will be 80 participants total, divided into 5 pairs of focus sessions. Each participant will be given $15.00 at the end of his or her session.

The Survey Method

Based on the ethnographical and focus group findings, we will email 300 students for participation in the survey method with hopes of attracting at least 250 students to the research. Short meetings will be set up at the Center for Teaching and Learning in groups of 25 to explain the research, distribute permission forms (and if returned) immediately begin the monitored session in an adjacent classroom to complete the survey.

Phenomenon Reporting

 The purpose of this method is to research the elements of concern in a highly phenomenological way. The Internet will be used to solicit email correspondences from college students at Lesley University and the Colleges of the Fenway through an announcement on their home pages. It will direct students with profound concerns to a website where they can view and print a consent form and upload the signed file.

Data Collection

The Focus Group Method

The sessions will last about an hour and thirty minutes and will have two monitors – a professional focus group moderator and professional observer. In addition, there will be an individual who takes notes during the proceedings ,and monitors a tape recorder and a fixed video camera.  This moderator also takes digital photographs after the meeting if parts of the classroom are referenced in the session. The moderator will distribute a document to collect some brief ethnographical information and then proceed to follow a Question and Objective Outline (Please see Appendix A). 

             The proceedings will be transcribed and emergent themes will be categorized. Participants will have a badge referenced to their ethnographical information.   Photographical exhibits will be cross-referenced to the transcript. This process of documentation should take three months. In the following semester, participants will be emailed findings from the proceedings for their comments if they wish. The focus group method is well suited for our purposes because it allows for open-ended discussions and the solicitation of shared ideas.

The Survey Method

The survey will be administered through Vista 4/Blackboard, an electronic platform, so students will have the opportunity to ‘mark’ a response and then go back at the end of the session to fully complete it. The survey should take about 45 minutes to complete. Each student will be given $6 (three 2 - dollar bills) upon completion. Rather than referencing one classroom, this survey asks each student to recall all their courses this semester and answer accordingly. These questions are mostly open-ended and vary from soliciting ‘value’ responses to, “I feel that I am a person of worth, at least the equal of others” to questions of “Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?”

This is a good method because it offers the opportunity to validate the focus group findings and extend the results beyond the experience of the classroom in extremes. The electronic platform allows us to capture the responses digitally to aid in categorizing and coding. It also provides the ability to sample a larger group of students and it can provide some supportive quantitative information. This process should take two months to administer and 6 months to document and analyze.

Phenomenon Reporting

            The questions in the Internet advertisement (See Appendix C) will initiate a series of correspondences that explore  “What it is to experience a classroom inadequately equipped for the method of teaching” or “How my sense of value is affected by the physical classroom environment I have endured” or “ How my classroom supports the pedagogy”. The goal is to flesh out the essence of the lived experience so the researcher can analyze and developed a narrative to support the research study findings or analyze as divergent information. The initial submissions from the participants will be reviewed for relevancy and probably only three to five will be fully pursued. Special care will be taken to make the participants responses anonymous and they will be sent a copy of the final relative for their comments. This process should take 3 months to complete information gathering and 2 months to develop narratives.

Next Steps in Formulating a Study plan

            Working holistically is a key to a cohesive study plan, so as I move forward, it is important to review and revise the research questions and key elements, if need be.  First, I need to continue adding to my literature review by exploring more research. I also need to develop a more thorough analysis procedure and work on implications drawn from the final research paper.














Edwards, B. (2000). University architecture. London and New York: Spon Press. This collection of notable university environments posits an exploration of the foundation of university building design. This book is highly pictorial and often includes presentation working drawing to describe building features. It coordinates with my research on ‘form follows function’ however, it introduces the variable of time. The author asks” if the speed of change is such that the stability of form and function is only achieved for short periods, how then, is reconciliation with the feeling of community to be achieved?”

Strange, C. & Banning, J.(2001). Educating by Design. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass. This book explores the physical classroom setting within the context of a university community. They present an integrated framework for assessing and understating academic environments. Although some of their applications seem outdated, and many of their foundational resources are very much so, the categorization of their concepts was quite helpful to organize my work. In addition, they give excellent resources to their presentation on “How the physical environment communicates non-verbally.

Elmasry, S. (2007). Integration Patterns of Learning Technologies, Page 3, Unpublished   doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. This rigorous research document (available at http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-09232007-220306/unrestricted/SElmasryETDbodytext.pdf) explores learning environments as a host to learning technologies. It also takes into account the teacher’s pedagogical and spatial use of the classroom, in developing an “intelligent architectural design process”. The use of methods of teaching as a variable is an important connection to my interests. This author also explores the common occasion of effective teaching and learning occurring in ill-designed environments.

Canter, D. (1992). Understanding, Assessing, and Acting in Places: Is an Integrative Framework Possible? In Garling, T. (Ed.), Environment, Cognition, and Action : An Integrated Approach. (pg 191). Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. This author researches the assessment process and categorizes the many variables involved within the framework of what he calls a “Purposive Evaluation”. His framework includes interrelationships between personal perception and the physical environment. I found his definition of ‘rules of place’ fascinating in regards to personal feelings and socialization within the classroom environment. His connection of physicality to the mix was quite helpful to me.

Gollege, R. (1992) Assessing the Environment, In Garling, T. (Ed.), Environment, Cognition, and Action : An Integrated Approach. (pg 2). Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. This author lays his groundwork for the succeeding chapters in this section. His book calls the researcher to explore the integration of environmental cognition, perceptions and actions of an individual within his or her environment. He admonishes that this is useful to fully understand the experience. This work is helpful to me in that it highlights personal spatial perceptions. It also discusses how the physical form of a room inhibits or supports perception of functionality.

Sullivan L. (1947) The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered In: Athey I.(Ed. Kindergarten Chats (revised 1918) and Other Writings. New York 1947: 202-13. In this article architect Louis Sullivan gives his impression of the state of design in America. He also introduces the concept of “form follows function”. This was a good source to lay as foundation for the traditional mantra of assessment.  It also gave context to the formulation of his architectural maxim.

Michl, J. (1995) Form Follows WHAT ? The modernist notion of function 
as a carte blanche*In Architecture & Town Planning nr. 10, Winter, 1995: 31-20. In this the author states
Let us call these two different meanings of the notion of function the intended functioning and the actual functioning.” It was a good review of intention in architectural design.

Rengal, R (2006) Shaping Interior Spaces, New York: Fairchild. This author explores many elements involved in the design of spaces. He also discusses at great length the users perceptions. It was vital to solidify how a person is effected by the environment. It is a good foundational support resource.

Appendix A

Focus Group

Question and Objective Outline

I.            Physical classroom environment


a. Maximizing physical comfort and well-being


1.  Furnishings

2.  Light

3.  Sound

4.  Acoustics

5.  Environmental (HVAC) Comfort


b.  Supporting Method of Instruction

1.  Size

2.  Room Layout

3.  Audio/Visual Equipment

4.  Power services

5.  Internet Services

6.  Printing services

7.  Accessories

8.  Adequate spatial accommodations for required tasks


A. How do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the method of teaching?



II.            Teaching Method (discuss only the method appropriate to the session)

1. Lecture, Examination, Collaboration, Demonstration, and Studio Guidance.

B. What can you relate about your experience of social interactions in this space?


C. How does this environment affect you in a personal way?



III.            Other comments?








Appendix B

Note: Final survey will be revised in accordance with the findings of the focus groups

Survey data (actual survey is in an electronic format)

(You can use as much space as you like to fully respond)

[You may answer the following questions when prompted by the proctor]

What is your age?

What is your course of study?

What is your ethnicity?

What is your academic year?

[You may answer the following when prompted by the proctor.  Then, please respond to express your degree of agreement or disagreement to the following]

This classroom environment has affected me personally in a profound way.

My social relationships are different in this space.

This environment creates strong associations for me after I leave.
 My interaction with cohorts is affected by this environment.
I personally relate to this space.

 [You may answer the following when prompted by the proctor.  Please consider your overall experience within the methods of teaching described for this semester. Then, please use as much space as you like to fully respond]

Course 1

How would you generally describe the method of teaching?

Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?

Course 2

How would you generally describe the method of teaching?

Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?

Course 3

How would you generally describe the method of teaching?

Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?

Course 4

How would you generally describe the method of teaching?

Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?
Course 5

How would you generally describe the method of teaching?

Overall, how do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the way this class has been taught this semester?


Overall, taking into consideration all your courses this semester, how does the relationship between the physical classroom environment and method of teaching affect you in regards to how they feel valued?


Do you have any additional comments?




Appendix C

Phenomenon Reporting


Lesley University Research Study

Conducted by Mikael Powell

Topic: educational spaces



We are soliciting subjects to participate in a voluntary study about classroom environments. The length of participation varies, but it usually takes no more than 8 hours over the course of 30 days and we will correspond via the Internet. The participant will be confidential. We are looking for college students who have strong personal experiences around one or all of the following topics:


“My experience in a classroom inadequately equipped for the way the class was taught”

“How I was personally affected by the physical classroom environment I was in” 
“How my classroom supported the way the class was taught”

My experience with social interactions in the classroom environment”


Please contact the following website for further information

www. lesley.edu/


Historically, classrooms have been designed and assessed in regards to how well the space supports the intended use. This “form follows function” approach as derived from the practice of 19th century architect Louis Sullivan, is a cornerstone of architectural design and the standard to which the built environment is often assessed.  But in the 1970’s a broader understanding of how the users perceive the space emerged in the field of environmental psychology and successive research has shown that a person perceives his or her environment

not only through it’s physicality, but also in personal and social ways. Indeed, while traditional questioning of one’s environment may occur, responses are actually informed by many processes of perception.  These two partners – the environment, as utility to the task and the user’s personal and social perceptions of the space are entwined within the evaluative process.
             This qualitative research studies college students and the assessment of their physical classroom environment. Within the methodology of focus groups, survey and phenomenological reporting, the personal and social aspects of their evaluations are discerned and interrelationships explored to achieve a fuller understanding of classroom assessments.

Mikael Powell

Presentation Project Draft

I. Introduction

·      Brief Summary of 19th century architectural design theory with it’s implication for present day

·      Review of contemporary post-occupancy analysis for educational facilities with limited regard to the range of user perception

·      My interest through education and practice

·      Brief discussion of evolutional psychology and environmental cognition in regards to perception and assessment

·      My research questions are

o   What perceptions contribute to a student’s assessment of his or her physical classroom environment? and How do students perceive the  physical classroom environment in relation to the method of teaching?

·      My role as a researcher in regards to my epistemological stance in this study

II.  Theoretical Grounding

·      Theory of Purposive Evaluation that integrates user perceptions of place, personal and social issues

·      Researchers: Snyder & Osgood (1969) to Leif, Gordon & Ferguson (1974) to Canter (1983,1988) to Garling (1992) and how they contributed to knowledge about the users perceptions for assessment

·      Lack of comparative data based on assessment requested solely on perception of the physical environment.

III. Study Design

·      Essential Research Questions: How do you feel about the physical classroom environment and How do you feel the physical classroom environment relates to the method of teaching?

·      Plan for Triangulation – three methods 

o   Specifically how each plan is integrated and supports the research questions

o   Discussion Credibility, Trustworthiness Validity points in this research

·      Research study method set-up

o   The Focus Group Method

o   The Survey Method

o   Phenomenon Reporting

IV. Participants

·      Selection, format and care of college students subjects

·      The Lesley University Internal Review Board for Human Subjects Research
V. Data Collection Methods, Instruments and Procedures

o        The Focus Group Method

o   The Survey Method

o   Phenomenon Reporting

·      Rationale for choosing the methods

VI. Plan for Analysis

·      Sorting, organizing, displaying and analyzing

o   Focus Group data

o   Survey data

o   Phenomenon reporting data

·      How I will compare and contrast the finding between methods
VII. Pilot Study

·      Discuss interview and play audio clip

VIII. Implications

·      How my findings will be used to assess the assessments

·      How my findings will be used to design new spaces and renovate spaces informed by user perception

·      Next Steps in Formulating a Study plan           

o   Discussion of the call for integration of assessment approaches to benefit both designers and users

o   Iterations




Edwards, B. (2000). University architecture. London and New York: Spon Press. This collection of notable university environments posits an exploration of the foundation of university building design. This book is highly pictorial and often includes presentation working drawing to describe building features. It coordinates with my research on ‘form follows function’ however, it introduces the variable of time. The author asks” if the speed of change is such that the stability of form and function is only achieved for short periods, how then, is reconciliation with the feeling of community to be achieved?”

Strange, C. & Banning, J.(2001). Educating by Design. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass. This book explores the physical classroom setting within the context of a university community. They present an integrated framework for assessing and understating academic environments. Although some of their applications seem outdated, and many of their foundational resources are very much so, the categorization of their concepts was quite helpful to organize my work. In addition, they give excellent resources to their presentation on “How the physical environment communicates non-verbally.

Elmasry, S. (2007). Integration Patterns of Learning Technologies, Page 3, Unpublished   doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. This rigorous research document (available at http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-09232007-220306/unrestricted/SElmasryETDbodytext.pdf) explores learning environments as a host to learning technologies. It also takes into account the teacher’s pedagogical and spatial use of the classroom, in developing an “intelligent architectural design process”. The use of methods of teaching as a variable is an important connection to my interests. This author also explores the common occasion of effective teaching and learning occurring in ill-designed environments.

Canter, D. (1992). Understanding, Assessing, and Acting in Places: Is an Integrative Framework Possible? In Garling, T. (Ed.), Environment, Cognition, and Action : An Integrated Approach. (pg 191). Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. This author researches the assessment process and categorizes the many variables involved within the framework of what he calls a “Purposive Evaluation”. His framework includes interrelationships between personal perception and the physical environment. I found his definition of ‘rules of place’ fascinating in regards to personal feelings and socialization within the classroom environment. His connection of physicality to the mix was quite helpful to me.

Gollege, R. (1992) Assessing the Environment, In Garling, T. (Ed.), Environment, Cognition, and Action : An Integrated Approach. (pg 2). Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. This author lays his groundwork for the succeeding chapters in this section. His book calls the researcher to explore the integration of environmental cognition, perceptions and actions of an individual within his or her environment. He admonishes that this is useful to fully understand the experience. This work is helpful to me in that it highlights personal spatial perceptions. It also discusses how the physical form of a room inhibits or supports perception of functionality.

Sullivan L. (1947) The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered In: Athey I.(Ed. Kindergarten Chats (revised 1918) and Other Writings. New York 1947: 202-13. In this article architect Louis Sullivan gives his impression of the state of design in America. He also introduces the concept of “form follows function”. This was a good source to lay as foundation for the traditional mantra of assessment.  It also gave context to the formulation of his architectural maxim.

Michl, J. (1995) Form Follows WHAT ? The modernist notion of function 
as a carte blanche*In Architecture & Town Planning nr. 10, Winter, 1995: 31-20. In this the author states
Let us call these two different meanings of the notion of function the intended functioning and the actual functioning.” It was a good review of intention in architectural design.

Rengal, R (2006) Shaping Interior Spaces, New York: Fairchild. This author explores many elements involved in the design of spaces. He also discusses at great length the users perceptions. It was vital to solidify how a person is effected by the environment. It is a good foundational support resource.
.(COPYRIGHT © 2008 MIKAEL POWELL. All Rights Reserved)