Sunday, July 16, 2006

MIKAEL POWELL graduated with distinction from Harvard University 2006

To the 2006 Harvard graduating class:

Harvard is a catalyst for Unparalleled Possibilities!

Not too long ago, in what now seems like a daydream or another lifetime, I was working in Texas, living well off and living well in-to the Complacency. From my desk in my cubical in a Dallas architecture firm, from project to project, from time to time- the heights of my potential and the baseline of my life were parallel – Both always moving forward - sometime rapidly with the pace of new projects in the office or slowly as we weathered a downturn in the economy. But each plane level and all points about the lines equidistant.

But, within my contentment grew a burgeoning realization that this plane of potential was at its highest elevation. And that, I would not allow!! So I began to dream again, and then, I was audacious enough to Name each aspiration. And having done so, I said “Well, why not?” We all have our own unique story of how we got here – and I suppose yours went like mine—you have to dream big, you name your dream, and give it life so that others take up your dream as well, - you move from an audacious personal thought, to a wish to a campaign to a movement to move you here. Indeed, I’ve found that the potential here is unparalleled.

It’s not the level line equidistance from the baseline of life but a widening and narrowing of possibili­ties. The work is hard, the opportunities – the access is unmatched. I spent many all- night sessions in Gund Hall working on a competition, with cohorts from all over the world. There were so many possibilities – ever broadening - – I put so much effort into prospects that never reached fruition - for opportunities that I wanted and strived hard for, but didn’t get, they just didn’t happen, But I always I thought “Yes, it was possible!”

And then there is the narrowing, the focusing, the prioritizing, the coming together for resolution, the conclusion of an initiative, a course. And for some it can be difficult (and it was extremely difficult for me) to say that now I have to shave away all those things that weren’t central to my message, things that weren’t the best use of my energies. But it is through this widening and the narrowing that we arrive at graduation. Because, myself and all of you have a world of possibilities and a future of expansion and focus toward goals --- And, I’ll tell you a secret (now don’t tell anyone)- a couple of months ago, I turned fifty. 50! And so my hopes for you and my hopes for me is that I continue my expansion and narrowing and I look at where I am at 70 and I prepare for the great widening, the great widening, the great expansion of possibilities. Then narrowing - focusing in on the central thing that leads me to make my contribution to the world. And I hope at 90 I am still experiencing the widening and the narrowing but never stagnant, never satisfied. Never flat, nor straight, plateaued, never sliding down (don’t go in that direction)... But always widening - expanding. That is my wish for all of us. Good luck on the Contours … Persevere, be Playful and Confident.
-Mikael, Class of ‘06
(Note: While at Harvard University, Mr. Powell was elected by the student body to be an Officer in Student Forum and a MDesS representative. He served as the editor of the UN-official 2006 Yearbook and a research assistant).

(COPYRIGHT © 2006 MIKAEL POWELL. All Rights Reserved)

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